Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Having been inspired by the photoblogs of friends Marc Gutierrez, Nancy Newell and Brian Miller, whose blogs are linked on this page, I decided to start one myself and see where it goes. Welcome, and enjoy.

Transitions. I am in a transitional life stage, between working, not working, and not really knowing what to do with myself. It is quite a challenge to figure out who I am at this time in my life. Photography and journal writing help. But the process is slow and sometimes painful. Sometimes my anxiety runneth amok. I'll not bore you with too many details, and I'll try to be upbeat as much as I can. I can tell you this: aging is not for wimps. I'm sure I will write more on that subject later. For now, please enjoy this photo, and have a beautiful day!

The photo is a scene from the ghost town of Guadalupe, New Mexico in the northwestern part of our beautiful state. The shot makes me think of transitioning - going through one passage, entering another, and who knows what is on the other side? We will all discover that answer during our lives, many times I'm sure. I'm looking forward to the remainder of my journey.